On April 20, 2020, it was announced that the award show would be held as an online production, broadcast for free on. On March 12 as a result of legal advice following restriction in place on events in excess of 250 people being recommended to be cancelled by Governor of California Gavin Newsom, the event was indefinitely postponed, as a result of the Avalon cancelling all events in March 2020.
The TEA's were originally scheduled to be hosted by Domino Presley at the Avalon Hollywood of March 15, 2020. The winners were announced during the webcast on May 10, 2020. The awards open to fan voting were the fan award which was open to all and site-specific awards which were open to members of the forums of the specific sites who met specific criteria regarding a number of postings and a date to have been a member before. The eligibility period for the fan award was 1 January to 31 December 2019. Nominees were announced on January 3, 2020, online on the website, with fan voting opening on the same day.
The public-at-large was able to suggest nominees using an online form. Pre-nominations were open from October 2 to October 16, 2019. The 12th Annual Transgender Erotica Awards was a pornographic awards event recognizing the best in transgender pornography form the previous year from Novem– October 1, 2019.